Curl for a Cause – Aboyne Rural Hospice Live Charity Auction

March 16th at 12 noon to March 22nd at 1pm
Rapid-Sell Online Auctions
Curl for a Cause is an annual curling bonspiel held at the Fergus Curling Club. We raise money for various local charities through participant pledges, advertising and an online auction. This year 100% of the money raised will be donated to the Aboyne Rural Hospice. Participating in this auction will help the hospice break ground for construction in the very near future. For more information about the bonspiel, please visit
Auction Location: 148 St George St W, Fergus, ON N1M 1H9 – The Fergus Curling Club
Auction Opens: March 16th, 2025 at 12 noon
Auction Closes: March 22nd, 2025 at 1pm
You can pay by cash (at the Fergus Curling Club on March 22) or by etransfer to
Please pickup your treasures at the Fergus Curling Club between 3:00-6:00pm March 22 If other arrangements are needed for pickup, please email me at