David Moore & Associates is a trustworthy, full-service auctions and appraisals business with 39 years of experience in the auction industry and 12 years of experience successfully orchestrating online auctions.
39 Years
Auction Experience
Items Sold
Sell Items
Easily Online
Online Auctions

Are you...
- Liquidating a business
- Looking to hold an estate sale
- Purging personal collections of furniture, tools, collectibles, memorabilia, etc
- Selling a home, vehicle, or heavy equipment
You’ve come to the right place!
Our professional team will provide you with:
We will customize our service to best suit your needs.
We will clean, sort, and prepare all sellable items.
Photo Shoot
We will take quality photos of, and accurately catalogue all items with descriptions.
Our bidding platform is safe and reliable.
We will promote your items on social media platforms, Auctions Ontario, Global Auction Guide, in local newspapers, Kijiji, and our weekly e-newsletter.
We will host a public preview of auction items for potential buyers.
Pickup & Payment
We will collect proceeds directly from buyers and facilitate pickup within 48 hours of the sale's closing.
Site Clearing
We will dispose of non-sellable items, donate items that did not sell, and leave the property in a tidy, broom-swept condition.
We will ensure sellers receive a detailed report & reconciliation package, and their cheque within two weeks of closing.

Get your best return possible.
At DMA Auctions & Appraisals and Rapid-Sell, we care about both our buyers and sellers. Our primary goal is to ensure a seamless journey for all involved while we take the utmost care of each individual item and maintain 100% transparency throughout the process. Our team works efficiently and effectively to deliver the best service and greatest return possible, right to your doorstep.