Estate of Alexander Steenson – Guelph

This auction of over 200 lots has something for everyone! 1999 Mazda Protégé LX Touring Edition, Troy Bilt 2 Stage snow blower, Yardworks gas powered push mower, garden tools, table saw, pine chest, steamer trunk, new forced air heaters, miscellaneous electrical supplies, tools & tool boxes, sander, router, cordless drill, printer & copier, air conditioners, shop vac, comic books from the ‘70’s, Signed First Edition of Father Growley’s 1904, Zero Gravity lounger, cameras and projectors, wheelchair, walker, assorted medical supplies, Eureka upright vacuum, home furnishings, Royal Albert Lavender Rose dinnerware, fitness equipment.
Online auction opens Sunday January 19th and closes Thursday January 23rd. Visit for a full colour catalogue & bidding information.