Gerber Family Farm Sale – Erin, ON
November 11, 2013

23 head of healthy, grass fed beef cattle (13 steer & 10 heifers), approx. 22 Muscovy cross ducks, Ford F350 FX4 Turbo Diesel (308,707 kms), John Deere MT row crop tractor, 5th wheel 20’ livestock trailer, rubber tired horse wagon, New Holland 1465 9 ft. haybine, New Holland Rolabar 256 side delivery hay rake, 180 round bales of hay, Cribit seed 40 bag cereal mix, 24 ft. Load Max 5th wheel flat deck trailer with load ramps, 3 poultry shipping creates, miscellaneous household furniture & items from a country home. 162 LOTS IN TOTAL!
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