Jackson Surplus Equipment Dispersal – Erin

Collage 2024-05-21 16_11_01

June 9th at 12 noon to June 13th at 7:30pm


Kicking this equipment dispersal auction off is a small house – not just any small house though! It is almost completely finished, made with quality material and meticulously crafted in 2022 – moveable and customizable, you will have to see it for yourself! The rest of this auction boasts a maple syrup boiler, truck flatbed deck, roadside corn stands, a wood stove, kerosene heaters, a trampoline, generators and a variety of tools.  There is an antique John Deere plow, outdoor fireplace and firewood & shelter.  This auction is full of great useful items for your property this summer and beyond, so take a look, get ready and get bidding!

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