Maginnis Antiques & Collectibles Sale

This sale contains many unique and collectible items! Cane seat chairs, 1906 Genuine Food Chopper, unique brass & copper items, antique Irish serving table with bowls, collectible tins, slate mantel clock, pine dry sink, quantity of framed prints, walnut boudoir dresser, wooden boxes (Kraft Canadian Cheese, Schweppes), George VI & Queen Elizabeth Coronation souveneirs, quantity of Royal family collectibles, ceramic water filter from early 1900’s, soda dispenser, Bromo seltzer dispenser, Aladdin lamp, brass musical decanter, brass topped table, musical porcelain dolls, antique school desk, quantity of Royal family collectibles and more. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to purchase some rare items.
Online auctions runs from November 24th through November 27th at 8:30 pm at