Wellington County 4-H Exchange Fundraiser

In 2016 Wellington County 4-H in excited to have been accepted to 4-H Canada’s Club to Club Exchange Program. Ten 4-H members from Wellington County will spend 10 days in Saskatchewan and 10 4-H Members from the Battlefords in Saskatchewan will spend 10 days in Ontario during July and August 2016. Wellington County 4-H Members who have participated in this exchange in the past have made lifelong friends and many of them continue to support and prompt this exchange to other 4-Hers. Some of the Wellington County 4-H members will experience travel for the first time, the chance to see a remote area in Saskatchewan and learn some history and culture about their twin group. Not to mention life skills, independence, responsibility and the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the home life and culture of other families also involved in the 4-H program.

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