Woodland Christian High School Charity Auction – Guelph, ON

Some of the items in this charity auction include computer network assessment, Michael Kors watch, Fossil watches, Guess watch, gift cards, Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, Fiskars saws, axes, snips, loppers, etc. along with days passes for parks, museums, etc., sunglasses and more. Proceeds go to benefit Christian Education at Woodland Christian High School, Guelph Chapter. This online auction is being held in conjunction with ‘Spring Fever’ Dessert and Benefit Auction which will be held on Saturday April 11, 2015 at New Life CRC, Victoria Road North, Guelph. Items purchased at this auction can either be picked up Saturday afternoon from 2-4 pm or at the benefit on Saturday evening for those planning to attend.
This online auction runs from Saturday April 4th – Thursday April 9th, 2015. To view complete auction, click here.